If you type ‘beauty videos’ in YouTube’s search engine, you’ll find many of the top results are dominated by celebrity vloggers or famous beauticians. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t make your videos stand out from the crowd too. So, here are our top tips for getting noticed, optimising your videos, and building a fanbase.
First thing’s first – create interesting content for your beauty video
The best way to attract viewers and build followers is to make sure your content is interesting.
You could talk about the latest beauty trends or how to take the stress out of your daily beauty routine. Or think of questions that people might be typing into YouTube’s search engine so you can answer them in your video.
However, beware that health and beauty advice can be open to interpretation, and it’s possible you may inadvertently mislead a client or provide incorrect advice. Therefore, many beauticians have beauty insurance to protect themselves from expensive claims.
The golden rule for a YouTube marketing strategy? Keep your viewers’ attention!
If your video is five minutes long and your customers are clicking away after less than a minute, this indicates they’re losing interest. So, when you create a video for business marketing, make sure it’s long enough to give people something useful and valuable, but not too long that people become disengaged and leave.
No matter how careful you are, beauty products and services are not without risk. For example, a customer may suffer an allergic reaction or an injury as a result of using one of your products, even if you’ve been selling the same products for years without any problems. With the right beauty insurance, you can protect your business and get peace of mind.
Use a catchy title and thumbnail image in your beauty video tutorial
The title and thumbnail are the first things people will see before they click on your video link, so make them eye-catching. This is important for your YouTube marketing strategy, because if you don’t customise the thumbnail, a frame will be selected automatically, and the resulting thumbnail could be dull or irrelevant.
The title and thumbnail should give the viewer a clear idea of what they can expect from the content. If not, the viewer may feel misled, and you could receive negative feedback.
Although it’s good to be creative with your titles, YouTube advises against sensationalist language, as this could be interpreted as clickbait and put viewers off.
Tag your beauty video to help your target market find your content
Tag your video with appropriate hashtags to make it more accessible. For example, if you specialise in vegan beauty products, your vlogs could be tagged with phrases like #sustainability or #crueltyfree so it will be easier for your target market to find you. This will also help you reach out to a larger audience if you’re recruiting.
A video for business marketing needs to give people something to talk about
Start a conversation. This could be something as simple as asking people what they thought of your video and whether it could have been improved. The more people engage with your content, the better the odds that they’ll subscribe to your channel.
Post your beauty video tutorial schedule
Tell your viewers what you’re going to post next and when. This will give them a reason to check back with you and (hopefully!) subscribe to your channel. At the end of each video, don’t forget to ask your viewers to subscribe if they haven’t already.
Measure the success of your YouTube marketing strategy by looking at the following;
- How many people reacted to your video
- The percentage of likes and dislikes
- The number of people subscribing to your channel after your last video
- How many people favourited your video?
- How many comments?
- How many shares?
- What’s the drop-off point (the audience retention rate that shows when people stop watching your video and click away)
YouTube takes all these factors into account when it ranks its videos.
Now your followers can convert to clients
Once you’ve earned people’s trust, you increase the chances of your subscribers converting into clients. Research from media company Syndacast has found that over half of marketing professionals said video had the best return on investment among all content types.
Remember – as your beauty business grows, it will be exposed to greater risks
So, to protect yourself, make sure you have beauty insurance. Here are examples of what it can cover:
- Bodily or mental injuries
- Giving incorrect advice
- Libel or slander
- Dishonesty (i.e theft)
- Breach of confidentiality
If you employ staff, it’s also important to have employers’ liability insurance to protect yourself from expensive claims if one or more of your employees suffers an injury or illness from work.
At Hiscox, we want to help your small business thrive. Our blog has many articles you may find relevant and useful as your business grows. But these articles aren’t professional advice. So, to find out more on a subject we cover here, please seek professional assistance.