Why insurance for builders matters
Insurance for builders equips you to deal with the risks associated with your line of work. The job is physical, but that's not where the risk ends. Business insurance can be tailored to protect those in the building trade from equipment risks, contract disputes and even the chance of cyber breaches.
Why builders need business insurance
Cyber risks
Even when you’re a team of one, you probably use a computer or mobile device as part of your work. Maybe it’s email correspondence with customers or a portal you use to see kitchen and bathroom designs – either way, the building trade is going digital. Hackers target all kinds of accounts and software, so it pays to protect your digital tools by selecting cyber and data cover for your builders’ insurance package.
Technical problems
Working with expensive equipment is a part of everyday life for builders. Insurance for builders is designed to protect you with a policy in place, you’ll be able to carry on quickly with minimal disruption if your tools are broken or stolen. Insure the tools of your trade and you’ll stick to schedule, keeping the customer happy while replacements or repairs are sourced.
If you’re not sure what you need, tell us a little more about your building business. We’ll help you to build your quote and explore any other insurance needs.
Build my cover
Key types of insurance for the building industry
Commercial legal protection
Commercial legal protection insurance will ensure you’re covered against several things that may get in the way of you carrying on with your building business. Whether a customer claims they’re unhappy with the work you’ve done, or you enter a contractual dispute, your legal expenses will be covered.
Tools insurance
The success of your business depends on your skills, experience and expertise – but it also relies on you having the correct equipment at the right time. If your tools are damaged or stolen it can mean delays to projects, missed deadlines and unhappy clients. In turn, that could mean reputational damage and threaten future work. An insurance package for builders with portable equipment cover ensures you're able to get replacements or repairs so you can concentrate on the job in hand.
These are just some of the types of business insurance for builders that we can offer. We can provide other specific types of cover and build them into a policy that’s tailored to the exact needs of your business.
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