Comprehensive cover for home building works.

Embarking on home improvements is an exciting time for home owners, but few realise that there are usually implications for the cover provided by their home insurance. Building works can invalidate home insurance policies entirely, leaving your customers’ biggest asset potentially uninsured.
If you have a client embarking on building works to their property, Hiscox Renovation and Extension Insurance can be added onto a Hiscox 606 Home Insurance policy. Works are insured for a set time period, allowing the 606 policy to continue uninterrupted once works have been completed.
There is no need to notify us if contract works are under the value £250,000. Existing structure and liability are already covered as standard within the 606 Home Insurance Policy. However, if your client would like to receive the full cover provided by this product please contact your Regional Manager.
Hiscox Renovation and Extension Insurance has been designed to meet the needs of customers carrying out larger building works projects to their home. It offers all-risks cover for:
For current and new Hiscox 606 Home Insurance customers. It is a simple extension to the 606 policy that is removed once the works have completed.
Policies taken out on or after 11 June 2018
Policies taken out before 11 June 2018