- How long have you been in insurance?
12 years.
- What’s your background?
I was in a business development role at Zurich before joining Hiscox in 2009. Whilst at Zurich I helped launch Zurich’s technology proposition so it’s an area of underwriting I’ve always had a keen interest in.
- Why has Hiscox formed a specialist technology team?
The motivation for forming the team is to offer a one-stop solution for our technology clients. Technology is a complex area – ever-changing, always-evolving – and in order to give a bespoke solution you need underwriters who are truly focused on its risks. We therefore decided that a sector approach involving specialist technology underwriters was the right way to go. It’s also a core line for Hiscox so we want to continue to be on the top of the game.
- What areas are you focusing on?
We want to think about the risks that technology firms face, to go beyond words on a piece of paper to address the propositions around the insurance product. If you’re a technology MD, for example, what keeps you up at night? It’s the answer to that question that we want to try to provide.
- Do you have short-term and long-term goals for the team?
The short-term goal is to become the market-leading team for technology insurance solutions. Long term, the goal is to give a fully rounded proposition for technology companies.
- Define your management style.
I like to lead from the front. I can’t imagine asking anyone to do something I wouldn’t agree to myself. I also pride myself on being as open and honest with the team as I can be and taking a genuine interest in their development, progression and well-being.
- What motivates and inspires you?
I have a relentless desire to smash targets – the drive to win definitely keeps me motivated. Inspiration usually comes from delivering high-quality results that work for everyone. What good is delivering amazing results if you’re not delivering what your customer wants and needs?
- How is Hiscox different from the competition?
At the moment, we offer really comprehensive cover, but we also staff it with underwriting and claims experts, who deal with very large complex technology claims on a day-to-day basis. Once you become immersed in something, you become an expert and you can give really bespoke solutions. That sets us apart.
- What do you enjoy most about working for Hiscox?
The will to win but also the desire to put the customer at the centre of the journey. When Hiscox does something, it does it well and when you work for a company like that, it makes you feel good about what you do. We want to give true value for money and that makes it an enjoyable company to work for.
- Describe your greatest achievement.
My greatest achievement is my two amazing little girls – Isla (three) and Issy (one). I can’t believe how funny and different they are. I suspect any physical, mental or emotional endurance test is unlikely to top the thrill you get seeing your children grow and develop.