Fair value assessments
Hiscox is committed to providing insurance products designed to deliver good customer outcomes This webpage sets out our role as a manufacturer, our approach to product governance and our fair value assessments.
You can find more information about our products www.hiscox.co.uk/broker. For information on key benefits and notable exclusions please refer to the relevant policy summary provided in your customers policy documentation or your local Hiscox underwriter
This information is for intermediary reference only.
Our role as product manufacturer
We deem ourselves as the manufacturer of our own products unless otherwise identified with you (where your agreement identifies you as co-manufacturer, we will be in touch regarding respective manufacturer responsibilities).
Our product governance process
Our product governance framework enables us to build products designed to deliver good outcomes and assess that they achieve the expected value. This includes our assessment of value – as demonstrated within the product lifecycle diagram – and enables us to provide distributors with the information they require, to ensure they fully understand the intended value of the product.
Distributor responsibilities
Distributors must review their distribution arrangements at least every 12 months to consider the impact of the remuneration against the overall value of the products. This also applies where an add-on product (including premium finance) not manufactured by us is sold alongside, or forms a package with, our products. These may affect the value to the end customer and will need to be taken into your consideration of value and must be proportionate to the benefits, cost and service provided.
As part of our information-sharing on value for our customers we may seek information from you on areas such as your fees, charges, packages, and product complaints.